What are Shipping and Delivery in Jumia?

What are Shipping and Delivery in Jumia?
The terms “shipping” and “delivery” have become more popular with the rise of e-commerce. The two words seem synonymous but at some point in time, they seem to be confusing. The two words can replace each other but in reality, the words “shipping” and “delivery’ are not the same.

It is very important to know what shipping and delivery are, as associated with e-commerce as an online retailer or shopper. Jumia has made known to its customers about their delivery timelines to avoid complaints and disappointments. In addition, customers should also know the pickup stations at the various parts of the country, the types of product tags at the Jumia online mall, and the shipping fees.

Jumia online shoppers should make sure that they observe dates when ordering something online in order to avoid disappointment, especially if their item is time-sensitive.

What Is Shipping?

The physical moving of goods from one point to another, such as the moving of merchandise from the warehouse to the customer is known as shipping. This shipping process normally starts from the manufacturer to the packaging of the goods by the logistics department.

There are two main definitions of shipping. The first is the size of the package. Smaller objects, such as shoes, clothes, and accessories, can fall under the category of shipping since they can be boxed and sent to the customer using a postal service and via dispatch deliverers.

The second refers to when items are required to be sent to customers. That means that the seller has put the item in the mail and it is on its way to you.

Shipping costs tend to decline with larger volumes. A single package may be quite expensive to ship, but if you shop in large volumes, a massive discount is given especially the Jumia Express. Companies like Amazon provide free shipping to selected customers because of their massive shopping volumes.

When most companies are starting an e-commerce business, they usually cut costs by handling their own shipping. However, as the business grows, they contract a shipping and logistics company.

Shipping can take quite a lot of forms depending on the distance covered and the speed of delivery necessary. The most cost-effective type of shipping is ground shipping, although it is also the slowest. Basic discounted ground shipping could take up to 10 days or longer at peak holiday shipping times.

For quick deliveries, air freight would be used; however, this is also more expensive. In the case of international shipments, freight can be sent via ocean shipping, and while this is very cost-effective, it is also extremely slow, taking up to 6 weeks or longer in some cases.

What Is Delivery?

Delivery often refers to larger objects, like major appliances and furniture, which sometimes require installation. Items that need to be delivered are usually too big to be shipped.

Delivery is also the term used to refer to the date on which the package will arrive at the customer’s doorstep. However, this date is usually a general estimate since it’s uncontrollable by the vendor and can be delayed by unforeseen circumstances.

What is the difference between shipping and delivery?

There are two main differences between shipping and delivery. The first is the size: smaller items are shipped while larger items are delivered. The second difference is the date on which each takes place. Shipping dates usually refer to when an item leaves the warehouse while the delivery date specifies when it should reach the customer.

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